Previews of the Grandness Ahead ~ 8 Jun 2013

In the past day or so, we’ve been experiencing a grand trine containing Venus in Cancer, Saturn in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces. Splish-splash! Creative, emotional, evocative, deep-feeling water signs collaborate in a closed-loop energy system, seeking to activate the money/aesthetic/creative drive of Venus through Saturn’s hard work and commitment to task, all the while pulling upon the potentially unlimited inspiration of Neptune.

This is just a preview. The Saturn to Neptune trine promising that creative efforts, if applied with discipline, diligence, quality of effort will get their due, sticks around for a while. At the end of July, a grand sextile - a Star of David - two grand trines offset by 60 degrees will form. This amazing pattern on our near horizon, portends all kinds of creative advancement. And right now, we have a previewing pop quiz of the grand exam scheduled for the end of July. Take the quiz. Check your grade. If it’s not up to snuff, you still have some time to get off the duff and dive into deeper applications before the next grand trine.

The next one? How about June 25th when the Sun tosses in his fiery weight onto the current crush of Venus’ inherent heat and pressure as he trines Saturn and Neptune?

But the key point to unlock is that any trine - the one now, June 25th or in July, can easily spin energy and come up with amazing ideas and insights; grand trines even more so. Trines inherently are not particularly motivated, though. They require a grounding rod or a channel for the creative expression to put it in real life terms. With the current short lived grand water trine, the drive to create an end product and put inspiration into useful manifestation, an outlet is needed.

Roughly halfway in between Saturn and Neptune lies Pluto. Perhaps the motivations granted by Pluto can be convoluted. But if the end result brings transformation, perhaps those motives hold merit. When an idea rolls in that contains huge potential, Pluto is likely to think: “If I don’t do this, someone else will and boy, will I be uber-annoyed when they make big bucks from the idea I didn’t pursue.” That’s true, and while riding the plutocratic vibe of jealousy and greed, if such a motive moves someone from sullen speculation into invigorated action leading to personal evolution and potential collective benefit, so be it. Tick the “that’s a good thing” box on the questionnaire.

The more severe motivation that Pluto uses to jostle this grand trine sounds like: “If I don’t pursue this amazing inspiration, part of me will wither up and die on the vine.” That would be a huge tragic bummer, and hopefully such a scary declaration can vibrate the grand trine into trembling oscillations that get the wheel rolling forward.

Roughly halfway in between Venus and Saturn lies the other Pluto - Orcus. Astronomer Mike Brown refers to Orcus as the other Pluto because of their orbital similarities, though they occupy distinctly different sectors of the sky. Astrologers might think of the two as two peas in the zodiacal pod given Orcus was the Etruscan version of Pluto. In the Etruscan mythology, Orcus was charged with overseeing oaths. Applying Orcus to this and the other upcoming grand trines, keep your promises to yourself. If you say you’re going to invent x, y or z, do it. If you claim you have sixteen books in you, get one of the through the labor channel. Given Orcus is in Virgo, he is inclined to nag those who claim great aspirations and find their posterior soldered to the couch or their fingers stapled to video game controllers or thumbs riveted to those damn keys that tweet as they do.

Orcus and Pluto are also trine, albeit wide. In that pattern, they’ve already formed a pact that promises to kick the butts of those affirming aspirations that lack intention. They will psychically pummel those who talk good but lack the urge to complete.

And in the by the way category, the new moon today in Gemini opposes two potent black holes in Sagittarius. One of those black holes offers: Walk the talk. If you can’t walk the talk, is the talk that’s off, or is it the walk? Align beliefs with inner nature such that actions become impeccably consistent with inner urges. Should doctrine and instinct not align, something’s got to shift.

The other black hole across from the new moon notes that one should only listen to those who truly know what in Hades they’re talking about. Follow experienced experts only. Avoid those who declare they’re teaching what they need to learn. Find those with authority in their field based upon applied effort which granted tons of wisdom. Seek out crones and sages. Respect the wisdom of those at the top of their vocation. If you ask for an opinion, insight or guidance, make some sort of effort to apply it.

Okay, the pop quiz is in progress. The chalkboard indicates another mini-test in a fortnight and three days. Time for some cosmic homework, applied inspiration, charged creative pursuit and following that dream as if there’s another quiz from the Cosmos around the corner. There is. The final exam of the celestial semester is scheduled for late July.